There will be a meeting this Friday at 1:30 in the Research Center for students who are planning to take dual credit courses next semester.
There will be a Key Club meeting tomorrow morning at 7:30 am in the theatre. There will be much to discuss and all are welcome.
Art Club members, please stop by Mrs. Simaytis' room to sign up for upcoming events.
Anyone interested in volunteering with the high school cheer competition in December, stop by Mrs. Simaytis' room to sign up.
Life Skills is fundraising for their Unified Ag trip to Indiana. On Friday, October 18th, students have the opportunity to purchase Farmer Fuel during lunches. For $4.00 you can get a 20 ounce iced coffee or a 16 ounce hot coffee with flavors of your choice. Help support Life Skills and enjoy delicious coffee creations at the same time!
Any girls who are interested in playing softball this year AND have not received an email from Coach Fauser or Coach Howard, please email them at OR by the end of the day TODAY.
Mr. Robert’s class is hosting a pumpkin decorating contest!
We will provide pumpkin’s donated by Mrs. Perardi, or you can use your own! Carve, paint, or in any other way decorate a pumpkin for the contest! Registration is $5.00 for a pumpkin and registration, or $3.00 to register your own pumpkin. The contest is open to students, staff, groups, classes, organizations, farmer time classes etc.
Check your email for a registration form or scan the code on Room #638.
Pumpkins will be delivered October 22nd with voting on Halloween!
3rd Place Winner: Choice of $10 gift card
2nd Place Winner: Choice of 2 $10 gift cards
1st Place: Choice of 3 $10 gift cards
Thank you Mrs. Perardi for your generous donation!
Today’s Lunch: Cheese Pizza Bread or Farmer Sub Bar
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meets every Friday
in the Research Center at 7:15 in the morning. Come and enjoy some food and fellowship together. Every student that attends gets their name in the drawing for our monthly door prize.