Bulletin – January 21, 2020
6:00 Freshman Girls Basketball vs. Havana HS @ HOME.
Boys Basketball vs. Peoria Heights HS @ Peoria Heights HS. JV play 6:00 / Varsity 7:30.
Bus departs 4:30.
Seniors -- Please send your senior portrait to Mrs. Shaffer for the local papers for graduation by January 31.
Game club will meet Wednesday this week.
Interested in supporting St. Jude AND having a chance to win a new Farmer quilt or t-shirt blanket? If so, stop by the H.S. office and purchase a raffle ticket for $5.00 or 5 tickets for $20.00. Drawing to be held Tuesday, February 4th at halftime of the Home Boys Basketball Game. See Abby Simpson or Josie Gibbs with any questions. Thanks for your support!
There will be a Key Club meeting TOMORROW in the auditorium during activity hour.
There is a Freshman Class meeting TODAY during 4th hour in the auditorium.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken-n-Noodles or Beef Burrito