We will be running the 2:09 dismissal schedule today.
There will be an assembly [Farmer Frenzy] at 2:09 in the gym.
Teachers, please wait for your students to be released to the gym. We will be releasing by grade level.
Football players may be a few minutes late to1st hour they are doing morning meeting at the elementary this morning.
FFA will be hosting a tailgate TONIGHT on the Jr. High blacktop from 5-6:30.
Everyone is welcome!
The End Zone parents have requested all seniors send a picture to Mrs. Gibbs (sgibbs@dist265.com). This does not have to be a senior picture. Please email at your earliest convenience. Thanks!
Today’s Lunch: BBQ Rib or Popcorn Chicken, or Farmer Sub Bar
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) will be meeting Friday, September 6th
in the Research Center at 7:15 in the morning. Come and enjoy some food and fellowship together. Every student that attends gets their name in the drawing for our monthly door prize.