Science Olympiad pictures will be taken for the yearbook in the Junior High gym Thursday during Enrichment. B and C Teams need to report at 8:10. Please remember to bring your shirt!
Attention Seniors: your food service account needs to be paid by Tuesday, May 16th. There will be no charging after this Thursday, May 11th.
Color guard tryouts will take place tomorrow right after school until 4:30. The marching show for next year is How to Train Your Dragon.
Students be sure to check the volunteer board. Any student interested in helping with the Journal Star Honor Roll Track and Field Meet at Eastside Center Track in East Peoria on May 22nd from 4:00-8:00, please see Mrs. Gibbs in the office.
Our disc golf committee is at it again. We are looking for anyone who can help us break ground at Township Park on May 20th from 8-noon. The dream has become reality and we need all hands on deck to build our disc golf course. If you plan on playing this course, help us to get it done in matter of no time, so that we can all start enjoying the beautiful Township Park even more than before. Come see Mrs. Burklund to sign up for volunteer hours and to receive your permission waiver. "In disc golf, as in life, it is the follow through that makes the difference." Help us be the positive difference for our ever-growing community.
Art Club will meet during Enrichment Thursday.
The FFA chapter will be hosting the annual Ag Expo tomorrow, weather permitting. Only PE classes will be allowed to come out to the exhibits. Any student wishing to bring something to Ag Expo need to see Josh Warner or Jacob Mahr to confirm and discuss set up. The event will run until 5:30 for anyone who wishes to come out. The porkchop sale will begin at 3:05 for anyone interested.
The following students need to see Ms. Salgado during Enrichment: Rosie Roberts, Kaitlin Gilstrap, Austin Warren, JJ Record, and Ami Orozco.
Current and incoming NHS students should report to the auditorium at this time.
We need to see Will Chaney in the office.
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Cooks Choice