Softball vs. Havana H.S. @ HOME. Varsity plays 4:30 / JV @ 6:00.
4:30 Varsity Baseball vs. Williamsfield H.S. -THERE- Bus departs 2:45.
Prom T-shirt order forms are available from Junior/Senior Enrichment teachers, are in the main office, and in the Junior/Senior emails. Payment is due at the time you turn in your form.
Emily Dimarsico, Noah Lane, Zac Siadek and Seth Stidham see Mr. Lambert.
The Senior VS. Faculty softball game will be on Monday May 8th. The sign up sheet and shirt order forms will be in the office. Order forms are due by April 21st. See Dylan Hayden, Caleb Gilstrap, or David Herr if you have any questions.
Reminder, football camp forms are due today.
Information about Senior Class Trip is in your email. Please see Mr. Lambert if you have questions. Forms and payment are due next Friday to Susan in the HS office.
Harvest Leadership Team applications are in your emails. If you would like to be on the 2017-18 team, please follow the instructions in your email.
Prom and grand march tickets are on sale! Tickets will be available for purchase before school and after school today only. Prom tickets will be $15 for seniors, $25 for juniors, and $40 for a couple.
Kick Out Cancer Kickball Tournament - When: May 4th @ 6pm / JR High Baseball Diamond / Sign ups are in the office. You must purchase a t-shirt to play. Order forms are due TOMORROW.
There will be a Farmington Cornhole Tournament on April 26 beginning at 5:00 in the high school gym. Sign-ups are outside the office along with shirt order forms. Shirt orders are due TODAY.
The FFA banquet will be this evening at 6:00.
There will be an Art Club meeting during Enrichment Friday.
All girls that want to play volleyball next year will meet in the gym during Enrichment on Friday.
Josten’s needs to meet with the Top 10 Juniors in the office at this time.
Today’s Lunch: Macaroni & Cheese or Pizza burger