Baseball vs. Lewistown H.S. -THERE- Bus departs 2:45.
Varsity plays 4:30 / JV @ 6:00
Drama Club and NHS applications for the American Red Cross scholarship are due today. Please print out 2 copies and give them to Mrs. Clope or Mr. Lambert by 3 pm. No late applications will be accepted.
Reminder, football camp forms are due Thursday.
Those going on the Zoo Trip with Mr. Lambert need to have their planned absence sheets turned in by the end of the day.
The Board of Education will be interviewing for next year’s student seat on the board April 26th beginning at 6PM. Please send Mr. Hulet a letter of interest by 4PM TODAY.
Prom and grand march tickets are on sale! Tickets will be available for purchase before school and after school tomorrow and Thursday only. Prom tickets will be $15 for seniors, $25 for juniors, and $40 for a couple.
Kickout Cancer Kickball Tournament - When: May 4th @ 6pm / JR High Baseball Diamond / Sign ups are in the office. You must purchase a t-shirt to play. Order forms are due no later than April 21st.
There will be a Farmington Cornhole Tournament on April 26 beginning at 5:00 in the high school gym. Sign-ups are outside the office along with shirt order forms. Shirt orders are due the 20th.
Dynae is here this morning, if you would like to meet with her, please come to the office at this time.
Josten’s will be here on Thursday to meet with the Top 10 Juniors during Enrichment
The FFA banquet will be on Thursday evening.
Today’s Lunch: Spaghetti or Pizza