  • Join us for FCA TOMORROW morning at 7:15 for breakfast snacks and a chance to win the monthly giveaway!

  • Lost and found items have been placed on a table outside the high school office. Please be sure to check the table for any of your misplaced items!

All items will be removed Friday afternoon.

  • There will be a meeting for those students interested in boys basketball next Friday, May 17th after school in the HS gym.

  • Marching Percussion and Colorguard Clinics and Auditions:


TODAY: Formal Auditions 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Ms Puffer.

  • Senior Spirit Week is this week. 

Join us in celebrating our seniors' final week of high school with the following dress up days:

TODAY: Occupation Day (wear your future occupation) 

Friday: College Day (wear your school shirt) 

              Today’s Lunch: Taco Salad, Pizzaburger, or Farmer Sub Bar

SENIOR LAST DAY: May 15th. Seniors are not required to take finals unless it is impactful of graduation (D/F in the class). This does not include dual credit classes. 

GRADUATION PRACTICE: May 17th at 9:00am in the high school gymnasium.

GRADUATION: Official graduation will be held on May 19th, 2024 at 2:00pm. The ceremony will be held inside the high school gymnasium. 

FINALS: High school finals are May 21st and 22nd. The last day of student attendance is May 22nd.