Morning Announcements 9.30.2019

 Bulletin – September 30, 2019             


                      4:00 Varsity Girls Golf vs. Elmwood H.S. @ Maple Lane Country Club. Bus departs 3:15.

                      6:00 JV Football vs. Havana H.S. @ Havana H.S. Bus departs 4:15.

                      Volleyball vs. Monmouth-Roseville H.S. @ Monmouth-Roseville H.S. JV play 6:00 / Varsity 7:00.

                              Bus departs 4:15.                                                                                                              

  • Any current or potential Key club members need to have their $15 turned in to Mrs. Simaytis or Tori Benedict by Friday, October 4th. 

  • If you would like to order an Almost, Maine shirt, please turn that into Mr. Lambert during Activity Hour today. Orders will be placed this afternoon. 

  • Freshmen, Please see Mrs. Suter if you left a hoodie at the float building site.  

Also, any freshmen available to stay after school today and assist with float teardown would be much appreciated.  Please plan to meet out by the baseball diamonds at 3:15.

  • Game club will meet after school on Tuesday this week.

Today’s Lunch: Pork Tenderloin or Taco Bar