Bulletin – September 9, 2019
6:00 JV Football vs. Wethersfield H.S. @ HOME.
Congratulations to our Golden Wave Marching Band for receiving Best Percussion and 1st Place in the 1A category at the Washington Invitational this past Saturday! Auxiliary placed 2nd. Fantastic job, great way to start the season!
Farmington FFA Section 12 Horse Judging Team competed this past Thursday in Delevan with the following results: 1st place Team, KT Staley 1st place individual, Abby Simpson, 4th place , Laura Stevens 8th, Ashleigh Janssen 10th. Great Job Team!!!
Abby Simpson, Katie Patterson, Ashleigh Janssen, and Liz Hayden judged at the SIU Invitational on Friday, results are pending.
Your 2019-2020 Student Senate officers are: President- Abbey Pepper
Vice President- Khloe Hitchcock
Treasurer- Chase Whisenand
Secretary-Emily Adkins
Freshman Class Officer team includes: President- Kyleigh Carpenter
Vice President- Josie Gibbs
Secretary - Erica Riccioni
Treasurer- Connor Bohanan
Student Senate Representative- Brianne Baird
Students-at-large: Violet Easley, Jarod Ebert, & Matthew Milestone.
If you are bringing a date to Homecoming from another school, please be sure to pick up a Dance Request form in the office.
Sophomores, Jostens will be back Friday, September 13th during lunch hours to take your class ring order and letter jacket orders. Any student who missed the meeting, please pick up your packet in the office.
Just a reminder to turn in all paperwork for the Powderpuff by this Friday, September 13th.
Junior class homecoming shirts are available for $15 each, and profits go to support prom. Order forms can be found in your email or in Mrs. White's room. Orders and money are due TODAY, no later than 3pm.
Juniors: Information about the Fall PSAT exam is in your email. The cost is $17 per student. Please see Mrs. Neave if you have questions or are interested in registering. Deadline is September 16th.
Sophomore Class meeting will take place tomorrow in the cafeteria during 4th hour.
Today’s Lunch: Pork Tenderloin or Taco Bar