Bulletin – September 6, 2019
5:15 Varsity Volleyball vs. Carl Sandburg College Tournament @ CSC Bus departs 4:00.
7:00 Varsity Football vs. Wethersfield Jr/Sr H.S. @ Wethersfield Jr/Sr H.S. Bus departs 4:30.
Saturday, September 7th:
8:00 Boys Golf vs. Mercer County H.S. @ Hawthorne Ridge Golf Course. Bus departs 6:30.
9:00 Cross Country will compete in the Canton Invitational @ Canton H.S. Bus departs 7:30.
9:00 Girls Golf vs. Mercer County H.S. @ Hawthorne Ridge Golf Course. Bus departs 6:30.
9:30 Varsity Volleyball vs. Carl Sandburg College Tournament @ CSC. Bus departs 8:20
11:00 Boys Soccer vs. Mount Pulaski H.S. @ Mount Pulaski H.S.
1:28 Golden Wave Marching Band will compete in the Washington Marching Band Competition @ Washington H.S. Bus departs 10:45.
If you are bringing a date to Homecoming from another school, please be sure to pick up a Dance Request form in the office.
Reminder to students to get your parking tag taken care of. This year’s tags are light blue. The parking lot will be checked starting next week. Parking tags are $5.00 and may be purchased in the office. Vehicle Information sheets must be completed in order to receive your tag.
Sophomores, Jostens will be back next Friday, September 13th during lunch hours to take your class ring order and letter jacket orders. Any student who missed the meeting, please pick up your packet in the office.
Josh McMillin is organizing a Farmington Powderpuff (girls football) game for his 2019 Harvest Team Project. There is a sign up sheet for all classes as well as a participation form, waiver, and rules available in the office. All proceeds will go towards the Susan G. Komen Memorial Affiliate. Please have the $15 for a shirt and all papers signed and turned in by Friday, September 13th. The games will be played on Saturday, October 5th at 10AM at the high school.
Junior class homecoming shirts will be available for $15 each, and profits go to support prom. Order forms can be found in your email or in Mrs. White's room. Orders and money will be due no later than 3pm on September 9th.
Juniors: Information about the Fall PSAT exam is in your email. The cost is $17 per student. Please see Mrs. Neave if you have questions or are interested in registering. Deadline is September 16th.
The following meetings are taking place today during 4th hour:
Freshman Class meet in the cafeteria - PLEASE BRING A PENCIL!
Key Club will meet in Mrs. Simaytis’ room.
Seniors interested in helping with the float, please come to the RC.
Girls Basketball please report to Mr. Whitcomb’s room for a brief meeting.
Today’s Lunch: Corn Dog or Sloppy Jo/Bun