  • Band and Choir, please remember to turn in your Fannie May order forms today. See Mrs. Rohrer if you have any questions.

  • Anyone interested in trying out for the FHS Competitive Cheer team, please email Coach Hanlin (shanlin@dist265.com) by Friday, Oct. 20th.  Tryouts will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 25th at 2:30.

  • Class of 2026 is selling Tanner's Donuts for $16 per dozen. Please see a member of the sophomore class or email pburklund@dist265.com to purchase yours today! Sales finish on 10/25/23 at 3PM. Donuts will be delivered on Monday, November 6th. Cash or check is due at the time of signing up.

  • Smackdown 2023 is this Wednesday, October 18th! We will start at 7 PM. Teams be in the gym by 6:30 PM to warm up. 

  • Powder Puff 2023 will be hosted this Thursday October 19th! You must have parent consent forms completed in order to participate. Forms are available in the HS office. 

  • Fall Senior Night is on Friday, October 20th. Seniors who are participating in Fall Senior Night, please fill out your Senior Bio Google form that was emailed to you from Mrs. Shaffer. Please complete your Senior Bio as soon as possible. 

  • Picture Retake Day is TODAY. Any student that did not get their picture taken previously this year, please plan to get them taken Tuesday. Images are necessary for student IDs and Skyward purposes. If you ordered on the original day and would like a retake, please bring the package back to ensure you receive the same package for free. Orders may be placed online @ Inter-State.com/Order with Online Order Code: 81598TA.

  • If you are interested in joining the wrestling team, please attend the informational meeting that will be held this Friday, October 20th. The meeting will be held in the gym. 

  • There will be a prom committee meeting this Friday in Mr. Maske’s room during B lunch. All junior officers and any junior interested in participating in prom committee should eat A lunch in order to attend the meeting during B.

  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign will be in the cafeteria during lunch on October 19th.

              Today’s Lunch: Sloppy Joe, Western Burger, or Farmer Sub Bar