Morning Announcements 4.30.2019

Bulletin – April 30, 2019             

       4:15  Girls Track will compete at Bushnell-Prairie City H.S.  Bus departs 2:30.

       Softball vs. Brimfield H.S.  -THERE- Bus departs 2:30. Varsity play 4:30 / JV 6:00.


  • Juniors and seniors participating in grand march- Miss Burdess has emailed you a copy of the list for grand march. Please check the spelling of your name and your date's name. If any changes need to be made, please let her know via email BEFORE Wednesday morning.

  • Attention current and new inductee NHS members, check your email regarding Induction information.

  • Those seniors attending the senior trip, please have your final payment to Mrs. Gibbs by this Friday, May 3rd.

  • The Ag Expo and pork chop sale will be postponed to May 15th due to rain. Thank you for understanding and we look forward to seeing you there!

  • Just a reminder to those students attending After Prom, we must have the consent form completed by your date as well, even if they are not a student at Farmington.

Also, we have secured Knockerball Peoria for 2 hours at After Prom.  They require each participant to complete a release form. If you are 18 you may complete the form yourself.  If you are under 18 it requires a parent signature. Mrs. Gibbs has emailed the release forms out and has copies in the office.  Please turn them back in to her if you wish to participate in the knockerball fun!

  • Juniors, please check your email.  You should have received a form entitled Student Board Member Application 2019-2020.  If you wish to apply, all applications must be received by May 3.


  • Game Club will meet Thursday this week.


  • This Thursday all study halls normally held in Room 625 will be held in the auditorium.


  • Applications for the 2019-2020 Harvest Team have been sent to your email. All applications are due Friday.  Please see Mr. Lambert with any questions.


  • Key Club will have their final meeting Friday during enrichment.


  • There will be a basketball meeting for any girl who is interested in playing basketball next season in the high school gym on Thursday during enrichment.


  • We will be hosting a farewell for Ruben, our sports trainer, on Thursday after school. Cake and punch will be served, please stop by the Teachers Workroom and wish Ruben well wishes as he moves out of the area.


  • If you signed up to work the concession stand at Jacob’s park this summer, please check your email and respond ASAP, as the schedule is being created.


Today’s Lunch: Spaghetti or Cooks Choice