FFA week is next week, the 21st through the 24th!
Tuesday is PJ day, 4th hour activity - Hungry, Hungry Hippos
Wednesday is Bikers vs. Surfers, 4th hr. activity- table surfing
Thursday is Wild West Day, 4th hr activity is Ag olympics
& Friday is college day.
People will get prizes for dressing up and winning their games!
SENIORS: Just a reminder that the Red Dog Cystic Fibrosis scholarship application is due TODAY. If you are planning on a career in the medical or nursing field, please fill out this scholarship opportunity. See Mrs. Shaffer if you need an application.
All lost and found items will be removed TODAY. Please be sure to check the table outside the office!
Anyone interested in joining Track please fill out google form found in your email, track practices will begin March 1st any questions please ask Mendez or Whitcomb.
Today’s Lunch: Fish Sandwich, Hot Dog/Bun, or Farmer Sub Bar