  • FFA week is next week, the 21st through the 24th!

Tuesday is PJ day, 4th hour activity - Hungry, Hungry Hippos 

Wednesday is Bikers vs. Surfers, 4th hr. activity- table surfing

Thursday is Wild West Day, 4th hr activity is Ag olympics

& Friday is college day.

People will get prizes for dressing up and winning their games!

  • SENIORS: Just a reminder that the Red Dog Cystic Fibrosis scholarship application is due TODAY. If you are planning on a career in the medical or nursing field, please fill out this scholarship opportunity. See Mrs. Shaffer if you need an application.  

  • All lost and found items will be removed TODAY. Please be sure to check the table outside the office!

  • Anyone interested in joining Track please fill out google form found in your email, track practices will begin March 1st any questions please ask Mendez or Whitcomb.

Today’s Lunch: Fish Sandwich, Hot Dog/Bun, or Farmer Sub Bar