Morning Announcements 4.2.2019

Bulletin – April 2, 2019             

                       4:00  Boys and Girls Track Meet @ HOME.   

                       4:00 Varsity Baseball vs. Brimfield H.S. @ HOME.

                       Softball vs. Dee-Mack H.S. -THERE- Bus departs 2:30.  

                             Varsity play 4:30/JV 6:00                                      


  • Congratulations Doug Lentz for being selected April Staff Member of the Month. Doug has worked at Farmington Schools for 5 years. He has three kids: Jenna, Lacie and Ryan. He enjoys fishing, exercising/running and reading. Congratulations Doug!

  • Congratulations to FCHS Winter Guard on a great season with their show “Hope: A Story of Survival”. Also congratulations to Sydney Ossman for receiving the prestigious Commanders Medallion Award for the 2019 season.


  • Congratulations to Mr. Piper's top readers in the March Read Challenge. Students were challenged to read approximately 400 pages in the month of March. The following top five readers exceeded that mark:  number 5. 639 pages Drake D, number 4. 1653 pages Owen A, number 3. 1951 pages Dylan H, number 2. 2137 pages Trinity M, and number 1. 2345 Addison G. Congratulations also goes to Mr. Piper's 5th Hour class for meeting their class goal.

  • This week is Autism Awareness Spirit Week.

Tuesday April 2nd- Light it up Blue Day: Wear Blue or Your Autism Awareness Shirt

Wednesday April 3rd- Blend Together Day: Wear Purple and Gold

Thursday April 4th- Be an Individual: Crazy Socks Day

Friday April 5th- Be Comfortable with Autism: Wear Pajamas

  • Don’t forget the dodgeball tournament is on Friday.  If you have any questions please see Bailey Kennelly.


  • Sophomore and  juniors, please see your email regarding the possibility of additional dual credit opportunities for next year.


  • Just a reminder, tomorrow is the Princess/Prince and Superhero party. If you have any questions please see Makenna Hintz and Jacob Gibbs.


  • FCHS Theatre Presents: “Beauty and the Beast” April 12-14. Cost for students is $5. Come and be our guest!


  • The FCHS Dance Team is selling Yankee Candle items. See a member of the team or Miss Clark for more details.


  • There will be an After Prom meeting this Thursday during Enrichment.


  • On Friday, April 5th there will be a mandatory meeting for any current freshmen through juniors who are interested in running boys or girls cross country for the 2019 season in the HS gymnasium.


  • Ms. Foster will be calling seniors down in groups this morning.  Please meet her outside the office.


  • The following students need to please report to lab 649 at this time: Alexis Sandoval, Kyle Horton, Dominic Pickens, and Alejandro Romero.


Today’s Lunch:Chicken-N-Noodles or Beef Burrito