Big wins for the Lady Farmers!!!! RING. THE. BELL!!!!
Have a free day? Here are some events for you: Wrestling meet at Richwoods, FFA Livestock in Geneseo, Winterguard in Romeoville, Lady Farmers at Home, Cheerleaders competing at Sectionals in Limestone (1pm)...Definitely covering the state today!
Great work to FFA!!
Job Interview-Production Division: Students are applying for a Production-based job. They submit a cover letter and resume, complete an application, conduct a face-to-face interview, and write a follow-up letter at the contest
1. Christy Mahr
2. Sam Deppermann
3. Will Hayden
Varsity Parliamentary Procedure: Students take a written exam over rules of Parliamentary Procedure, conduct a 10 minute demonstration on conducting a business meeting using Parliamentary Procedure, and prepare written minutes based on their demonstration
1st Place Team
1st Place Chairperson: Karah Thomas
1st Place Secretary: Jacob Gibbs
1st Place Floor Member: Katie Barnett
2nd Place Floor Member: Christy Mahr
3rd Place Floor Member: Sam Deppermann
4th Place Floor Member: Jacob Gibbs
8th Place Floor Member: Gabe Benson
Novice Parliamentary Procedure: The same contest format as Varsity, only for Greenhand (Freshmen) FFA Members
1st Place Team
Members included Chairperson Ethan Ulm, Secretary Ashleigh Janssen, and Floor Members Michaela Mapes, Jason Chrestenson, Ethan Emken, and Jon Grafelman
Both Parliamentary Procedure teams will advance to the District competition in May, and are ranked among the top 50 teams in the State.
A big Saturday for FCHS: Winterguard to Romeoville, Varsity Wrestling to Richwoods, Lady Farmers play at home, FFA Livestock judging at Geneseo, and Cheerleaders at Limestone! GO TEAM!
Last call for White out 2018 Shirts! Please have them to Mr. Lambert by 3pm today. All proceeds go to support St. Jude. Thanks!
The FCES Farmers had a great morning celebrating their 100th day of school!
Did you hear that? We did too. RING THE BELL LADY FARMERS!!!
A reminder--whiteout shirt orders are due TOMORROW.
Thank you to the Farmington Academic Foundation Committee for coming to present to our Senior Class! Be sure to like the Facebook page "Farmington Central Academic Foundation"
Winning is a good look!
Good Luck tomorrow to: Farmington Parli-Pro team! Girls Basketball against Valley! Scholastic Bowl competing at FCHS!
7th grade Basketball--REGIONAL CHAMPS! WINNER WINNER!!!
JV boys win again! Dropping the hammer down this season!
Picture it...Saturday 1pm Limestone HS--Cheer takes the mat! Good luck ladies!
White Out to support St. Jude.
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2000 FCHS Directors Award for Theatre Excellence to Kyle Dare and Stephanie Clemons.
Winter Guard will have their first competition of the season at Romeoville High School- Saturday January 27th. They will take the floor at 4:43pm.
Seniors and Juniors: After Prom forms are available in the RC. Thank you to the committee for their time and efforts putting this event together: Dione Anderson, Sheila Peckham, Marci Fletcher, and Ryan Lambert.