High School learns more about Farmer Closet.
Thats a Farmer win!
Farmer Pride on ORANGE OUT at MRHS!
The boys basketball and cheerleaders ORANGE up for the Armstrong Family this evening!
Humpday coffee/desserts for our staff tomorrow! Thanks to Bethany Herink for organizing!
Best of luck to our 7th grade team tonight!
Don't forget to wear orange today to school and to the game tonight. Wear a hat to school for a $1 donation (high school).
Great update on our facilities from Mr. Scott Mallicoat, District Maintenance Supervisor.
Fantastic presentation on the Solar Array Project by the Clean Energy Design Group. Always planning for our future!
Congratulations to the 8th grade Girls Basketball Team on a fantastic season!
Congratulations to the 2017-18 High School Cross Country Team on a wonderful Season!
So proud of our FHS Wrestling team! Great showing and season this year!
Shout out with pride to a wonderful season for our 8th grade team. Purple and gold pride.
8th grade boys headed to first round of state. Let's do this!
Here we go boys! Sectional time.
Staff members Mrs. Simaytis and Mr. Lambert join the pep band!
Dance team performing! Excellent work
Varsity win!
Big win for boys JV
Due to weather north, Farmington Winter guard will not be competing this Sunday at Naperville. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause; however, the safety of our kids is our number one concern.