Thank you to Yates City for hosting our High School staff meeting!
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2008 FCHS Directors Award for Theatre Excellence to Sarah Johnson and Ethan Platt.
High Five Friday, organized by Nicholas Johnson, brought to you by the High School Chess Team. Harvest Team is sponsored by: Lozier Oil Company, Bank of Farmington, SS Marine Products, Tom Conklin-State Farm Insurance, Morton Community Bank, SNIPS Hair Studio and Kiesewetter Insurance.
Good luck to the Boys Baseball team as they play at IVC this evening.
The 7:30 p.m. Board of Education meeting tonight will be held in the high school gymnasium instead of the research center.
Anyone attending should enter through the main high school entrance A-1 or the events entrance B-3.
Book Fair Information here!!!
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2007 FCHS Directors Award for Theatre Excellence to Katherine Kovanda and Korin Petersen.
Huge shout out to our Little Shop of Horrors cast and crew for taking time Friday to set up the Quilters Convention at Canton High School!
March is Theatre in our Schools month! Friday was Wear Your Show Shirt to School!
Do you have a talent that you would like to show everybody? Sign up for Farmington’s Got Talent today! All entries are due by Thursday, March 15th. Prizes will be given to the top 3 acts. Community involvement is more than welcome, however only K-12 students will receive prizes. The event will be held on Thursday, March 29th at 7pm in the Auditorium.
Nice job ladies!! Congratulations to our following players for making the Prairieland All-Conference team:
Unanimous 1st team: @morgan_powel
1st team: @GilstrapMegan
2nd team: @ppeckham01
Honorable Mention: @SpragueMacie
LUNCHTIME at the high school! Thanks cafe staff!
Congratulations to Jake Uryasz - unanimous First Team All Conferece. Judd Anderson - First Team All Conference. Jarod DePriest - Second Team All Conference. Nick Johnson - Second Team All Conference!
Coming this summer!!
Congratulations Jake Nicolas and Jarrod!
Last night at District Proficiency Interviews, we sent six students to interview about their SAEs and couldn't be happier with each of their performances. Christy Mahr was named a finalist in Diversified Crop Production Entrepreneurship, and Austin Mottaz was a finalist in Turf Grass Production. Caleb Mahr placed second in Vegetable Production. Katie Barnett won Equine Science Entrepreneurship, Sarah Stevens won Agricultural Processing, and Karah Thomas won Small Animal Production and Care. Congratulations to all students for their dedication and hard work towards successful SAE's!
Katie, Sarah and Karah will now compete at State Awards Day on March 24th. They are now among the top 5 students in their respective areas in the state. Best of luck!
Book Fair Information here!!!
Support your Research Centers with a Book Fair Purchase! Book Fair is next week!! No time to come in? Order online--
Would you like to participate in the showdown of the classes basketball tournament on April 15? If so there are sign-ups in the office for players and coaches. There are two coaches per class, at least one male one female, and you MUST order a T-shirt to play or coach. Ordering a shirt will also grant you free admission to the game. Please see Sam Fletcher for any questions.
Do you have a talent that you would like to show everybody? Sign up for Farmington’s Got Talent today! (See link below) All entries are due to Taylor Simpson by Thursday, March 15th. The event will be held on Thursday, March 29th at 7pm in the Auditorium.