Good luck to the boys who compete at state today in this order:
Carter Hintz PV
Judd Anderson 110H
Judd Anderson 300H
Relay competitors: Ethan Kenney,Judd Anderson, Dash Anderson, Jakob Uryasz, Jack Fletcher
Great work to the Farmington Harvest Team!
Shout out to Taylor Simpson, Mr. Meisner, Mrs. Simaytis and Mr. Lambert for building and painting room dividers for Schramm School!
Great work to NHS for putting flags our for Memorial Day
Good luck to the boys and Coach Hardesty as they head to the State track meet at EIU!
8th grade parents of FCJHS: We are running behind. We will stop in Hanna City at the Bank. Due back in Farmington around 10.
Coe Janssen dressed up for his US History final exam presentation with Lucas Brust on the 1990s.
Join us today to celebrate the graduation of the Class of 2018! Ceremony begins at 2 pm in the high school gym.
This kid just got 9th in the high jump at jr. High state!!! Way to go Logan Morse!!!
Girls track 2nd in the state overall! Go girls!!!
2nd place!!
Sarah Litchfield on the platform!
4x400 state champs!!!
State runner up!!! Great work to our bass fishing team!
Excellent work to our girls track team!!!!!
Congrats to the boys headed to state next weekend:
Judd Anderson 110H,300H, 4x1,4x2
Jack Fletcher 4x1,4x2
Dash Anderson 4x1
Ethan Kenney 4x2
Jakob Uryasz 4x1,4x2
Carter Hintz PV
Boys finish second in the sectional
Let's take a field trip!
Here we go ladies track!!
Ag Expo!
Great work to Harvest Team Member Josie Carballido for planting the entrance to the high school. Harvest Team Sponsored by: Lozier Oil Company, Bank of Farmington, SS Marine Products, Tom Conklin-State Farm Insurance, Morton Community Bank, SNIPS Hair Studio and Kiesewetter Insurance.