Thanks to Men's Wearhouse for presenting to our students on resumes, interview skills and career development!
Reminder, tonite’s JH girls basketball game vs Macomb is at Farmington and starts at 5pm.
Today FCSD 265 came together to take a stand against bullying! All students participated in a Unity Walk around campus as part of Bullying Prevention Month. Tune in to local news for coverage later tonight! #WeAreFarmers
Book Fair is now open!
Saturday’s football playoff game is at 2pm. Admission. Is $5 for all spectators. No passes accepted as per this is an IHSA event.
Just a reminder the Scholastic Book Fair will be set up tonight and tomorrow in the elementary cafeteria 5-8pm! Hope to see you there!
FCCUSD #265 practiced a lockdown drill in conjunction with Farmington and Peoria Co. police depts. at 8:25am today. This type of drill secures the building and safely shelters all students, staff, and visitors in case of an emergency. If you have questions, please call 245-1000.
Thank you to Kathy Workman and County Market for collecting community donations for the Farmers Feeding Farmers program!
Become a Friend of the Theatre! Here's how:
Smackdown for Disabilities shirt orders have been extended to Wednesday! Please have your orders in to participate. Sign ups are in the High School office.
A reminder that Les Mis ticket reservations end on November 1st. Reserve your seat with a $25 down payment. See Mr. Lambert for details.
High Five Friday began last week with Harvest Team Members Zach Johnson and Sam Fletcher. 2018-19 Harvest Team is sponsored by: Lozier Oil, Bank of Farmington, Joe Webel with Stewart-Peterson Solutions, Chad Johnson-Jim Maloof Realtor, Farmington Community Bank, and Marilyn & Larry Gibbs.
Let’s take a moment. Volleyball competed And played very well, Regional Cross Country today with three advancing to sectionals, Marching Band finishes second in their class at WIU, and the Football team begins their journey into playoff season. I am sure we are missing more things our students have done today—what a great day to be a Farmer!
The Farmington football team will host Greenville in the first round of the IHSA playoffs. The game will be played Sat, Oct 27 at 2pm.
Congratulations to our Golden Wave taking 2nd tonight! Excellent work to our band and guard.
Hey farmer fans!!! Your football team will be playing Greenville on Saturday at 2:00 at home!!! Come out and support these boys!!! Let’s pack the stands!!!
Kids on tv.
Bracket set up.
Let’s do this.
Excellent turnout for the Playoff Pairing Party! Let's go Farmers!